• Chainweasel@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    If the DOJ actually wanted him convicted they’ve had plenty of time to do it so far, but they’ve been pissing it away for 4 years.
    I know someone is going to chime in and say “BuT tHeSe ThInGs TakE TiMe”
    Not 4 fucking years they don’t, federal court cases typically take ~12 months to get to trial, but even if this novel case with unprecedentedly high profile defendants could justify twice the amount of time a normal case does, he would have been in jail 2 years ago.

    • RubberDuck@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      The DOJ also was up against unfriendly judges that made stuff drag out unnecessarily.

      And the saying is, “when you after the king, you best not miss.”

      Keep in mind they needed tax evasion to imprison Capone.

      • Burn_The_Right@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        The judges didn’t become a problem until after Merrick Garland (a conservative) waited years to start the investigation.

        Congress did a complete investigation long before the DOJ lifted a fucking finger. Garland should be considered a GOP operative at this point.

    • WetBeardHairs@lemmy.ml
      9 months ago

      He has so many sympathetic fascist-state wannabes in positions to affect his crimes being brought to trial that it is just incredibly difficult to do. It took individual states to act like NY and GA and then a special federal prosecutor Jack Smith to actually bring meaningful charges against him. In NY, it was delayed because the AG at the time was in his pocket and had been for decades. The GA prosecution was delayed because the AG was busy going after sycophants he used as tools so as to use their convictions to bolster his case. Jack Smith only got appointed in 2023 and he’s been working his ass off on multiple cases simultaneously.

      So yeah it takes time. I’m frustrated too. It would’ve been great if all of this had played out the minute Biden got into office but that just wasn’t up to him - the processes had to play out on their own. Otherwise we’d create a politicized justice system (well, more than it already is) with a fucking gestapo going after political opponents. That’s just part of the price we have to pay for keeping an semi-blind justice system.

      • Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        He has so many sympathetic fascist-state wannabes in positions to affect his crimes being brought to trial that it is just incredibly difficult to do.

        No, no it is not. Many of the crimes he committed were literally committed live and in real time on Twitter or on TV for the world to see. Outside of having to battle through Trump’s seemingly unlimited supply of shitty lawyers, many of the cases were so blatantly obvious that a random law student could have handled it if the DOJ were even remotely close to serious.

        It took individual states to act like NY and GA and then a special federal prosecutor Jack Smith to actually bring meaningful charges against him. In NY, it was delayed because the AG at the time was in his pocket and had been for decades. The GA prosecution was delayed because the AG was busy going after sycophants he used as tools so as to use their convictions to bolster his case. Jack Smith only got appointed in 2023 and he’s been working his ass off on multiple cases simultaneously.

        No, the reason it took so god damned long is because Merrick Garland has proven to be a spineless coward of an AG. And it wasn’t much better at the state level, where a whole bunch of AGs were standing around with their dicks in each other’s hands wondering who was going to go first. And even then, Bragg’s charges in the pornstar case were little more than him sticking his head out a bit with light charges in a largely meaningless case hoping it doesn’t get blown off. Once he wasn’t immediately assassinated or something, then the rest of the AGs finally decided to do something, even though it has led to everybody involved in these cases so far handling Trump with kid gloves because heaven forbid Trump be subject to the same justice system as the rest of us.

        So yeah it takes time. I’m frustrated too. It would’ve been great if all of this had played out the minute Biden got into office but that just wasn’t up to him - the processes had to play out on their own. Otherwise we’d create a politicized justice system (well, more than it already is) with a fucking gestapo going after political opponents. That’s just part of the price we have to pay for keeping an semi-blind justice system.

        It wouldn’t have been a gestapo thing.

        Start with the crimes that he committed live on television. Start with the low-hanging fruit. And then as you’re working on those cases, you can simultaneously investigate the larger crimes and just tack on more charges later. But nope. Gotta give Trump all that special treatment because he’s Trump.

        This is the US government. Probably the most powerful entity on the planet, with a war chest that would put Trump’s to shame even if his net worth was what he claims it is. Even the state governments have far more resources at their disposal than even the most powerful elites have available to them. It’s been 3 years. If they were even in the ballpark of being serious about holding Trump accountable, these trials would already be over and he’d be sitting in a jail cell by now.

        Fuck Merrick Garland for starting off as a spineless coward and getting worse from there. Fuck the state AGs who knew that Trump committed crimes but all sat on the charges because they’re afraid of retaliation.
        Fuck each and every judge who has so far bent over backwards to repeatedly defer to Trump and refuse to hold him accountable for his courtroom actions that would have landed him in jail pending his trial if it were literally anyone else on the planet.
        Fuck the media who admit that they continue to cover Trump the way they do, knowing the damage it is causing but not caring because they’re making bank.

        Our entire legal system is falling apart, and a lot of it has to do with the US government proving that when push comes to shove, even they will cower in the corner despite having infinitely more resources at their disposal. I mean, the US government has El Chapo, and he actually had an army! Why the fuck they continue to cower at Trump’s feet of all fucking people continues to baffle me.

  • AnonTwo@kbin.social
    9 months ago

    I mean, I’ve thought it was obvious from the beginning he wants to be president so he can pardon himself. Like that has always been the end goal.

    • HWK_290@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      Trump’s appointees saw to that (delay after delay in florida and in DC, despite Jack Smith’s efforts for a speedy trial)

      Last I checked, the AG was also not responsible for state prosecutions either…(hi Georgia)

      Not to mention his liability in the civil trial in NY which we should hear about damages any day now

  • peanutbutter_gas@lemm.ee
    9 months ago

    I’ve said it once with my brother. I’ll say it again. I’m waiting for some kind of assassination attempt. Just in general. Not even a party affiliated prediction. I just think somebody is going to take a shot at “solving the problem”.

  • Paragone@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    The Repubs can just pardon him, & ignore any law that gets in their way…

    Hell, legalists ignore inconvenient laws anyways … so it doesn’t even require that the Republicans pardon him: they can just make him Speaker, have the temporary-stand-in “president” & “vice-president” suddenly resign, and … voila! … suddenly Trump is president, & he can pardon himself, if he wants, right?

    What I’m trying to communicate, is that once the regime-system is corrupt enough … then legalism provides no protection whatsoever and whomever is “relying” on legalism’s protection, is being incompetent.

    It’s too late.

    The letter of the law won’t protect, anymore.

    Face the actual reality of nowadays.

    _ /\ _