• Drivebyhaiku@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    That’s not how liability works. It’s not a hot potato that stops with the first person in a chain of people who did wrong. Everyone who contributes to a catastrophe of broken rules essentially gets a slice of the consequence pie the only thing that changes is how big a slice of the overall pie you get.

    Here’s what the situation says to me. You have a 1st AD and a Principle and senior Actor/ Producer who were breaking the most basic of rules. For context on a film set say a camera person sets a case of lenses on something I as a set dresser need to move. It is largely unacceptable for me to even touch that box until I have tried everything viable to hail the correct department to move it. If somebody tries to hand me something I am not supposed to be handed I go talk to their supervisor. Some things even if I have explicit permission to handle from a props person, like a gun, I am liable if I handle it anyway because there is no circumstances where me putting my hand on that item is acceptable. First rule on a set you learn day one “Don’t touch ANYTHING that belongs to someone outside your department”.

    If this incredibly basic rule was SO flagrantly violated on so many levels by THE CHEIF SAFETY OFFICER ON SET that tells me that the safety problems and the culture of improper protocol were endemic on the set. This very obviously wasn’t one bad day of lax protocols. This was an unsafe set and an everyday unsafe crew culture. Lots of times you don’t get burned when something isn’t safe so people try their luck which is all fine and dandy until tragedy hits.

    This AD had a previous incident where a gun he handled fired a live round went off on a set and just didn’t hit anybody. At that point people should have fucking hung drawn and quarted him and busted him back down to Trainee. He was a demonstratilably consistent danger to the crews he was on but Rust STILL HIRED him as their primary safety officer anyway.

    When something goes this desperately wrong that pie gets so big there’s a slice for everyone. The other Producers on this show had a duty to hire people who do the job properly. The 1st AD is a major hire. Ist ADs arguably do more to protect production liability than a Director does and production has their eye on the pick. If something a director wants is unsafe it is a 1st AD who has veto power. They set the culture of the set to make provisions for safety. If you rent a peice of equipment that has a record of dangerously failure and one of your workers gets hurt by it you as an employer get burned. The same goes for personnel. The producers absolutely should find some liability pie on their plates too. Are they gunna get prison time? Probably not but they are still negligent and there are consequences that scale to fit.

    • nudny ekscentryk@szmer.info
      9 months ago

      Baldwin could very well be the armorer’s direct supervisor and father and it still would be her and the ADs fuck-up the gun shot a live round.

      She was hired for the sole purpose of making sure all guns on set are handled safely and she simply failed: the shooting is her fault and I’m sure despite all of us getting riled up in the comments this in fact will be the final verdict

      • Drivebyhaiku@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        It’s true it’s ultimately a matter for the courts to figure out. But I will tell you that I know what sets like these are like. I worked a lot of them back when I was new and I know rhe type. The assumption of remorse is bullshit. There are plenty of big shots who coerce people into getting debilitatingly hurt in my industry and after they feign a period of remorse it is right back to business as usual.

        Baldwin deserves his lumps. He had to have been a greenhorn on his first day on set and a fucking king of idiots besides to not know better. If public opinion won’t hold him to account because they buy his bullshit victim card act I hope he sees consequences in court.

        • nudny ekscentryk@szmer.info
          9 months ago

          I couldn’t give less shits about him in particular, because being non-american I have never heard of him before I saw this particular meme on Lemmy.

          I just wish to believe at least in the justice system in the US. I’m still skeptical about the Rittenhouse verdict but if the fucking armourer isn’t found guilty and Baldwin is instead, then this just confirms your system is broken.

      • Nobsi@feddit.de
        9 months ago

        No lol, this is the same thing as saying “the gun seller is responsible for the school shooting”

        • nudny ekscentryk@szmer.info
          9 months ago

          No it’s not, stop playing dumb. A gun seller’s job is to sell guns. Even if a potential school shooter buys one, the gun seller has done their job. Who failed perhaps is the person who issued a gun license to a potential school shooter, but then you can make a case of whether potential school shooters can be detected before the act.

          An armorer’s job is to make sure guns on set are handled safely. A revolver which was under her supervision has not been handled safely, and as far as we know it was her and precisely her mistake that left the live bullet inside the barrel, therefore she failed at her job and is culpable for the death. This in no way compares to a gun seller.