(Gifted article, no paywall)

Please suppress any tendency to jump to one conclusion or another, this stuff is getting very complicated because the people involved want it that way.

Tankies and dirty money… American lefties, shifting alliances and – surprise! – conservative money – essentially marketing/promoting China/CCP interests.

Chinese people fine, Chinese government dubious at best, and horrible at worst, like ethnic “work” camps for Uigur people and others.

One must be very careful these days …

  • TokenBoomer@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Archive: https://archive.ph/oijed

    Yes. I read the article. No, there is nothing illegal about what they are doing. Kinda sucks when the foot is on the other shoe, eh, America. The free market has decided this is okay. With Citizens United and PACs this was always going to happen.