Been seeing a lot of outrage thrown at them recently their protests and been seeing a lot of people trying to disrupt these protesters for “disrupting” them and that they could cause inconvenience to emergency services but at the same time,I feel as though these actions are necessary sort of to better spread the message since the bourgeois media is going to turn a blind eye to it. So, since I’m not really familiar with the whole thing, I want to see what you think of them.

      1 year ago

      Well spotted. Their actions don’t seem to do much beyond being loud and obnoxious, and their goal is also their name and their slogan. No organization that takes itself seriously would define everything about itself in 3 words.

        1 year ago

        *No serious socialist organisation

        The benefit is that every time they’re in the news, people hear the slogan, ‘just stop oil’. I don’t think they’ll be very effective in the long run. But at least they’re keeping the topic in the press. Like, Greece is on fire, and all we hear is how holidaymakers are going to get home; the MSM won’t connect the dots to global warming of their own accord.

      1 year ago

      I suspected that. “JuSt sTop OiL” sounds actually stupid, it’s not like it’s easy or something, we could start the process of stopping oil if we abolished capitalism but then saying “we JUST have to stop the OIL” sounds totally naive

      1 year ago

      This is actually from a strange article made by the Telegraph in October last year that went “viral” in similar lib tabloids to try and play both sides of dunking on the activists. Getty is a co-founder to the CEF which donates to a bunch climate activist groups including XR and JSO, but was singled out by tabloids as the sole source of income for the groups. I haven’t found much to either confirm or dispute her claims in never engaging in oil herself, but it does seem like a usual billionaire philanthropy grift.

      But I wouldn’t throw the whole movement out just because some billionaire is donating to it. It sounds a bit like a “yet you live in society, curious.” At the end of the day it is a lib org through and through, we shouldn’t expect any different. If ssome people think activists “look bad” because they blocked a road or threw soup at a protective glass with a painting behind it, I don’t want to see what they’ll think of riots.