I don’t know how to express or articulate my thoughts and my vocabulary and grammar gets messed up the more I write so I will just write simply.

What I’m trying to say is that every day or hour or minute or everytime you think, you feels like your original selves is dying. I know that we are constantly growing but i just can’t stop thinking that whenever we grow or learning new things or start to think differently, our past selves is dead. I think back to my past selves in middle school, highschool and from 2022 and think, aren’t they dead? No matter what i do or think or whatever happens to me, i can’t bring back the personalities or "me"s from the past. They remain dead and continue to being dead. Unless they are exist in another timeline or universe.

What exactly is identity, consciousness or the self which is me? I don’t know nor understand but this idea just stuck in my mind and occasionally appears when I’m bored, stressed or relaxed.

  • rtfm_modular@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Your body and mind is just a bag of chemical soup, undergoing a constant reaction. Your tangle of nerves and synapses feed a mess of neurons that are wired in a circuit that gives you that spark of consciousness. But none of this is a fixed system, and your body goes through constant change. As one neural pathway dies, another one is rewired and the circuitry is now different.

    You can play the game of debating the Ship of Theseus, but who you “are” or “were” is just an illusion. Our memories are just the old circuits powering up, but even those change over time. Your memories are a false representation of the past because they only ever exist in the present and you’re at the mercy of your own perceptions.

    You “are” until you are not. So do what feels good —Kiss your loved ones, hug a tree, and be kind to yourself and others while your bag of soup ain’t leaking.

    • BalabakGuy@lemmy.mlOP
      6 months ago

      What do you mean by “evolve”? I think my past selves is dead because I can’t experience the exact same consciousness of the past selves of me again. Doesn’t that count as being “dead”?

      • FloMo@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        “Is the caterpillar dead because it became a butterfly?”

        The caterpillar IS the butterfly. Perhaps not as you know it, but change is the universal constant, my friend, and trying to hold on to the past is a futile attempt.

        In my experience it’s best to acknowledge the past enough so we can appreciate the good things, learn from our mistakes or anything we feel we did less-than-great at, then try to do better as we evolve.

        No, you’re not the exact same person you were a few years ago, but we live in a changing world and we change with it as time goes on.

        “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us”

        Best of luck, I’m here if you want to talk about anything :)

        • BalabakGuy@lemmy.mlOP
          6 months ago

          I don’t think you quite understand what I’m trying to say.

          “Is the caterpillar dead because it became a butterfly?”

          The caterpillar IS the butterfly. Perhaps not as you know it, but change is the universal constant,

          How is this relevant? I’m talking from the first person perspective. Whether the caterpillar is dead or not depends on the person experiencing the consciousness of their own mind. From my perspectives, i think yes, the caterpillar is dead (it’s not really important because the caterpillar or butterfly isn’t conscious of itself).

          • Candelestine@lemmy.world
            6 months ago

            If you want to draw the line in that way, then break it all the way down and apply the principle evenly. Every single time you change your mind in any way, shape or form, that is an ever-so-slightly different you. The difference is so minor that it’s basically no difference at all, but it does exist.

            So, when you decide to put stawberry jam instead of grape on your toast, that old you that used grape is dead. And then the next day, when you go back to picking grape, the stawberry you is now dead and the grape you is resurrected.

            Obviously I’m exaggerating with such an innocuous example, but the basic principle applies. It’s all arbitrary, from a truly objective perspective.

            There’s a number of deductions one could draw from this, but a big one is that we try to apply identity as if “things” are real, but it’s mostly just our choices, which can vary as much as we want them to. This goes against a natural human desire for stability, we kinda wish that once we learn something, it can “stay learned”. But that’s just like Mr Incredible complaining that his city won’t “stay saved” in the beginning of the movie.

            Pluto’s recategorization away from planetary status triggered this in a lot of people. It’s arbitrary though, we made those decisions in the first place. And in the modern world, we really need to be ready to handle new stuff all the time, so flexibility is important.

      • myrmidex@slrpnk.net
        6 months ago

        By that rationale, wouldn’t other people then also be dead, as you cannot experience their consciousness?

        • BalabakGuy@lemmy.mlOP
          6 months ago

          I’m not trying to dehumanize other people but yes. That’s how i see it.

          • myrmidex@slrpnk.net
            6 months ago

            It’s a very intersting viewpoint, pardon me for exploring further. So future you (or me) is also dead until the brief flash of life where yours and his consciousness finally overlap, before lapsing into nothingness again.

            It’s very reasonable even, to think everything not experienced this very moment is totally alien to us.

            Thanks for stretching my grey matter on this dull day!

      • Skasi@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        How about a different way of putting it?

        Ones past self is a book with more blank pages than our current self. The blank pages represent things that are unknown, things that could be, different possibilities. Perhaps I dislike some of the pages of my current self and would rather not have experienced them. My past self would then be a clean version of the book, where the pages I dislike could still turn out to be different.

        But then the question remains of whether the pages are blank because the author is still thinking about what to write or whether they just didn’t find the time to do it yet. Is it actually a book with blank pages or is it more like a folder where you continuously add pages - and furthermore, are the missing pages actually still blank or are they already printed and only need to be added to the folder? Is an incomplete version of a book still the same book? If you only read the first book of a three book series, is it still the same story? Are the pages actually missing or do they exist and I just haven’t read (=experienced) them yet?

  • BananaTrifleViolin@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Dead is not the same as gone. We are a stream of consciousness moving through time. The past isn’t “dead” it is just behind us, just as the future is not “birth”.

    If you imagine yourself as a river of water, there is still a river behind you and In-front of you, but all you are aware of is now.

    Whether or not we can go back or forward in that stream of consciousness - who knows. We don’t know what we perceive when we do actually die.

    If you can’t get past this focus on the concept then at least stop thinking of it as “death”. That’s anthropomorphising what is happening (trying to attribute a human experience to it) but it’s adding the baggage of all those negative or anxious feelings we feel about death. Our consciousness moving forward through time is its own thing, it is not death.

    • moistclump@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      Yes, the river analogy was my first thought here. The water rushes by, but the river stays the same. We would never call the changing water or river dead.

      We would never call a growing tree dead. In fact, growth and change is exactly how you know the tree is alive.

  • RBWells@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    I had a dream one time (a literal asleep and dreaming dream) where I went back to my younger selves and it was the first time I felt continuity, like the me I am is built from all those previous instances of me. They aren’t gone, exactly, while I am alive. Yes as you experience time as going in one direction you are not all of them at once, but neither are you a series of points, you are more like a line.

  • greedytacothief@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    I can’t remember so much of what used to be me, it astounds me sometimes. But also it doesn’t really bother me. The me I am now was shaped by what was regardless of my knowledge of it. Those past parts of me have passed through me, and new parts are yet to come.

    I guess I’m just not a very sentimental guy.

  • small_crow@lemmy.ca
    6 months ago

    Yes, often.

    We as thinking beings consider ourselves to be constant. The trail of memories leading from our childhoods to today make it feel as though we are still that person who lived through all of those times, but we aren’t. We can’t be.

    I have memories belonging to an 8 year old boy in my mind, he had the same name I did and lived with parents who also had the same name as mine, but I am a much older person - older than his parents, even - and I share almost no common ground with this boy. How can we be the same person, when we are so obviously different?

    I am physically a different person to this person of my memories, and I can’t be sure he exists or existed. He may simply be a figment of my imagination, a story I tell myself of where I have come from but made up from whole cloth.

  • Rivalarrival@lemmy.today
    6 months ago

    Alternatively, your past selves are immortal. They can’t be harmed. Nothing that didn’t happen to them can ever happen to them.

  • dudinax@programming.dev
    6 months ago

    You’ve probably hit upon a good metaphor for what’s happening.
    I believe each time we sleep parts of our personalities are torn down and rebuilt slightly differently.
    Whatever the mechanism, you aren’t really the same person you were years ago, you’re a different person with many of the same memories. The “self” is a useful simplification of reality. At the fundamental level, its not possible to define “you” and “not you” at a moment in time, much less across spans of time.

    • GreyEyedGhost@lemmy.ca
      6 months ago

      If therapy has taught us anything, it’s that we can also change and direct that change while conscious. So past you is probably slightly different than now you for any value of past and now.

      Now, the only reason I see to feel bad about that is if you leave a worse person in charge than was there before. Focus on self-improvement, and improvement of the world around you, and maybe the end of past you isn’t so bad a thing.

    • jcg@halubilo.social
      6 months ago

      And they aren’t even the same memories. “You” just thinks they are, but every time “you” remembers them they’re slightly different because you don’t remember the facts of the memory only whats important to “you” and “you” is constantly changing.

  • Illuminostro@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Well, if it makes you feel any better, nothing really matters, on a universal scale. We’ll be extinct as a species in a million years, probably much less. Our solar system will be nebula after our sun explodes in less than 5 billion. There will be no trace we ever existed.

    Just try to hurt as few people as little as possible, and be kind to as many as possible. Leave the place better than you found it. That’s all you can do. Or don’t, it’s up to you.

  • Serval@sh.itjust.works
    6 months ago

    I never really solved this, though I grown to accept it as a sort of reassuring fact.

    I am constantly dying and being substituted by my new present self, but I’m only aware of that because my reasoning brought me there, I’m unable to feel that I’m experiencing it first hand. The self who started this comment is already lost in the past and didn’t even realise that it happened, there is a perfect continuity between them and me.

    It’s a bit sad that “I” won’t be specifically the one to experience the future, but some of the other selves with which I compose my identity will, which is good enough.

    Moreover, it means that I have no need to fear ceasing existing (like with neurodegenerative diseases, death and similar situations), because it has always happened and it’s painless.