Literally every game journalist article I see feels like the people who wrote it never even played the game to begin with.

    9 months ago

    Because someone who is writing a review of the game has to write a lot of reviews of games in order to afford rent. So they rush through a game as quickly as possible, playing for a few hours, then write a quick review, then move onto the next game. Plus there’s the whole issue with companies refusing to hand out review copies of future games if their games get negative reviews, so they have to be overly positive a lot of the time. So they’re rushed, forced to say things they don’t want to, and don’t have time to really soak in a game and analyze why something happens in it, just a quick surface level reaction to everything. So they often feel like a wikipedia or cliffnotes summary of the game’s plot and themes because they didn’t really analyse it at all because they just don’t have the time to do so.