• AquaTofana@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    This one actually hits way deep. I used to be EXTREMELY attached to my parents, like to an unhealthy level, especially my mother. And over the years, politics has driven a deep wedge between us. That might sound sad and like an overreaction on my part, but honestly, every time I’ve traveled home to visit with them, I’ve asked and made it clear that I do NOT want to discuss politics with them at all. They are Trump-Loving extreme Republicans, and I’m 100% Progressive. I am still trying to love them despite our differences.

    However, they (especially my father), just cannot fucking help themselves from making snide ass remarks under their breath about the issues with “Liberals”, “Blacks”, “Illegals”, LGBTQ+ people, “Wokeness”, and insert Republican Boogeyman here. And I would try so hard to grit my teeth, and ignore it. I would do okay for a comment or two. Even though they knew I was purposefully ignoring them and getting silently angry, the comments would get louder and more pointed until I finally flipped my shit. Then all of a sudden I was the asshole who was “too sensitive” and “couldn’t handle the truth” etc.

    Last Christmas I went home for the holidays, first time in over a decade because fuck holiday travel, but I knew it would make my mom happy and I had the time off. I was hella anxious about it because my husband couldn’t come with me. And it was fine for the first two days, but on day 3 we got into one of the worst arguments I’ve ever had with them. Screaming at each other, lots of tears, etc.

    I told them how shitty they were for picking at me like they do, and my mother told me that they do it on purpose because they like to see me get riled up. That truly upset me. I told them how long it took me to fucking de-program myself from the brainwashing that they’d done to me growing up, that truly upset her. I felt so bad about it, because she cried a lot, but it’s all true. They raised me with some disgusting ass beliefs that I parroted because it got me their approval. I know people shit on the military, and it’s warranted, but I really believe I’d be stuck in the same mindset if I hadn’t joined up and met the people I did and see the places I’ve gotten to see.

    Ugh, I didn’t mean for this to be such a novel of a comment, but this meme struck me and I just started unloading. I appreciate you Lemmy for letting me drone on about my bullshit!

      • AquaTofana@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        Ugh, I’m so sorry to you and anyone else that can commiserate with this experience. It’s a really shitty place to be in.

        Especially because I’m sure, like me, you do have good memories of them being loving, caring people, so it’s hard to sit across the table from them and see what they’ve become. And to have everyone pick at you with no backup so you are completely isolated and left to fend for yourself.