CNN reporting on some interesting survey results from the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research in Ramallah. Seven hundred and fifty adults were interviewed face to face in the West Bank, and 481 were interviewed in Gaza, also in person. The Gaza data collection was done during the recent truce, when it was safer for researchers to move about.

    10 months ago

    Acknowledging Israel’s right to exist doesn’t negate Palestinian rights.

    Americans said the same shit about squatter’s rights and manifest destiny.

    but blaming the entire state of Israel and Jewish people in general oversimplifies a complex history.

    There you go trying to conflate anti-Zionism with antisemitism. Nothing is wrong with “Jewish people in general.” Zionists, however, are on par with Nazis because they believe Jews are entitled to the land of Israel just like Nazis thought the Aryans were entitled to Eastern Europe.

    Zionists are trying to solve their Palestinan Question with genocide just like Nazis tried to solve their Jewish Question ( with genocide.

    You, presumably a Zionist, get mad whenever these facts are presented because you do not like your religious nationalism to be exposed for what it is.

    Zionism is the new Nazism. Treat Zionists as you would treat Nazis.

    Israel has killed more civilians in 2 months than Russia has killed in 2 years, to put things into perspective.