Hey guys, I’m just an ordinary dev looking for something to work on. While messing around with my hobby projects, I couldn’t help but notice that under the surface, there are a lot of places that the libre desktop can be improved. I’d like to take on your suggestions on what I should seriously consider working on and helping out with.
Thanks for any comments and suggestions.
(For those wondering, I’m still working on my other stuff.)
Vendor support, which is something you can’t fix. I’m sick of having to use a Windows VM to connect a device running Linux to my PC running Linux.
In all other aspects, Windows is so much worse, which I’ve just recently noticed again while installing Windows 11 inside a VM without creating a Microsoft account. (It gets harder with each update. By now you have to edit the registry of the installer, manually launch an exe from a subfolder of system32 and cut off internet access to do it)