Pornhub, Stripchat and XVideos will need to abide by the European Union’s strictest digital regulations after they were designated “very large online platforms” (VLOPs) by the EU executive on Wednesday.

The three adult content companies join the likes of Facebook, Instagram, Google and Elon Musk’s X on the bloc’s list of platforms with more than 45 million average monthly users in the EU.

Brussels will now be able to police the sites’ compliance with its strictest set of rules under the landmark Digital Services Act (DSA), including on protecting minors and addressing the dissemination of illegal content.

    7 months ago

    This is great news for niche porn sites and unregulated communities, and especially for sexual predators who used to have such a difficult time luring impressionable teens onto their creepy discord porn sharing communities because it was so easy to assess regular porn but now teens will have to learn how to navigate the tangled web of obscure fetish communities just to see a boob…

    Though if they handle it sensibly it does make sense to ensure they have robust systems in place to remove illegal content including revenge porn and leaked nudes.