Hey Folks!

I’ve been living abroad for over half my life in a country where tipping is not the norm. At most you would round up. 19€ bill? Here’s a 20, keep this change.

Going to the US soon to visit family and the whole idea of tipping makes me nervous. It seems there’s a lot of discussion about getting rid of tipping, but I don’t know how much has changed in this regard.

The system seems ridiculously unfair, and that extra expense in a country where everything is already so expensive really makes a difference.

So will AITA if I don’t tip? Is it really my personal responsibility to make sure my server is paid enough?

  • SapphicFemme@lib.lgbt
    1 year ago

    So i should tip someone who is very rude or treats my spouce/partner badly? I didn’t say “no tip”, did i?

    • NathanUp@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      Yes. Unless there’s clearly bigotry of some kind behind the behavior, yes. You never know what someone might be dealing with. They could have been denied that day off to attend a funeral for a family member (which absolutely happens in that industry), or they could just be completely burned out and unable to perform the emotional labor and / or masking to appear kind and respectful any more. I’ve been there personally. I’ve also had situations where guests thought I was being rude, when there was just a culture difference and I was trying to communicate. I’ve almost lost my job because I wouldn’t give a customer free product. My “no” was interpreted as rude because I was completely burned out from working 12+ hours straight that day, with no overtime pay, and just couldn’t fake a smile anymore. As a result, unless someone is being openly homophobic, etc, I never tip less than 20%, because my feelings and read on the situation shouldn’t impact someone’s ability to feed themselves.

      • teawrecks@sopuli.xyz
        1 year ago

        The fact that you truly believe this is a great example of how bad tipping culture, and work culture has gotten in the US. It’s as if the word “tip” has been completely redefined to mean “compulsory tax on services”. Based on your post, I wouldn’t be surprised if a good portion of youth today legitimately believe that to be the definition.

        What if I told you that all the distress you’re directing toward low/non tippers should be directed at your employer who isn’t paying you properly, is over working you, and doesn’t have your back in the face of shitty customers demanding free stuff? Instead of getting upset about people who rightfully reject a bullshit tipping culture, go unionize. That’s literally what they’re for. Force your employer to treat you like a human being, don’t let them pit you and the customers against each other while they laugh all the way to the bank.

        • NathanUp@lemmy.ml
          1 year ago

          You make some big assumptions about my politics here. Believe me, I’ve got plenty of ‘distress’ for employers. None of this changes the fact that if you know that service workers are grievously exploited and you choose to have them wait on you while not compensating them, then you are also committing an immoral act. You and the employer then have something in common: you both know that the worker ought to be compensated fairly for their work, and you’re both refusing to do it.

          Am I absolved of sin when buying clothing that I know is produced in a sweatshop because ‘well, the employer really ought to improve working conditions, but that’s not my problem’?

          The employer first exploited the worker, then you went in, benefited from their labor for free, directly reducing their income, supporting the business that exploits them while not supporting the worker, and somehow, your hands are clean?

          You could choose to simply not give businesses who don’t fairly compensate their workers your money, but instead, you give them the cost of your dinner and reduce your server’s hourly wage?

          If people want to reject tipping culture, they need to reject businesses that practice it, not fund them.

          • teawrecks@sopuli.xyz
            1 year ago

            Could you do me a favor real quick? Could you please tell me in no uncertain terms that you support collective bargaining (i.e. unionization) by workers to combat exploitation by employers. That will short circuit a lot of this I think. If you cannot do that, then I am forced to believe you are arguing in bad faith (as most of your arguments here are reductive, untenable, and deliberately antagonistic).