The trigger warning is because the topic can be emotionally heavy for autistics since it talks about the social abuse autistics endure and how we react to it by masking. The guy has an apparent justifiably angry tone throughout the video. Otherwise, I think it is fine and there are no sensory issues to worry about.

For those that downvoted, I would like to know why. Why did you think that it should not be seen by others?

  • 𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒏
    10 months ago

    Looked up what “fawning” meant, never heard that word before

    praising someone too much and giving them a lot of attention that is not sincere in order to get a positive reaction


    Haven’t watched the video so I’m unsure of the context, whether it’s about a neurotypical as the recipient of fawning, or a neurotypical fawning another individual