I mean the one you do when you want something easy to do, but not when you’re tired at the point you microwave a frozen-meal, or just cut down a piece of cheese and put it in a bread

  • DillyDaily@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Crack open a tin of beans, smash them a bit with a fork. Salt, pepper, vinegar, and whatever seasoning blend is within reach. Put it on top of whatever carb I have (toast, tortilla, crackers) is my go-to.

    If I don’t have a tin of beans, I microwave some frozen peas to smash up.

    Hummus also fits this niche but that’s not something I keep on hand in the pantry, unlike beans.

    My favourite no-cook meal is a slab of semi-firm tofu served cold on a bed of spinach, pour over some soy sauce, spring onion and furikake. But that requires fresh ingredients I don’t always have on hand.

    Instant noodles, with a handful of frozen corn, and a Nori sheet from the pantry ripped up in it. Tofu (or egg) if you can be bothered.

    I’m on the hunt for a vegetarian alternative to a umami packed can of smoked Tuna. I miss smoked Tuna. (I’m allergic to nightshades and haven’t found a allergy free fake fish on the market)