Seriously. Who is the Hungarian government and what’s its their play in the EU?

    7 months ago

    Orban is in my opinion very good at gaslighting both the EU and his domestic supporters. He talks shit about the EU at every possible opportunity, but then when he shows up for Council meetings in Brussels, he’ll usually sign up for whatever he’s asked that month. Then he goes back to Hungary and immediately tells voters that he gave the EU leadership hell and that he got a great deal for Hungary. This is mostly my opinion, but I think everyone in the EU expects this conduct from Orban, and they just go along with it for the sake of progress.

    His voters on the other hand genuinely think that he’s a national hero for standing up to the no good, despicable, very bad EU leftist bureaucrats who also just happen to subsidise their economy. I kind of admire his batshit approach to politics, but disagree with everything he says. Basically, he’s all bark and no bite. Just ignore whatever mad shit he’s spouting and assume he’s saying it for the benefit of his deranged supporters and won’t follow through on it.

    7 months ago

    Victor Orban is a fascist and he’s spent the last 13 years seeking to turn Hungary into a fascist state. He controls the judiciary. He controls the media. He scapegoats Jews, Muslims and refugees for the country’s problems. He aligns himself with Putin.

    Fascists inherently don’t like cross-border cooperation and supranational governance - it runs against all their beliefs about their nation’s superiority. So he doesn’t like the EU either and blames it for things to his domestic audiences. There is no press freedom in Hungary and so Hungarian voters get bombarded with this nonsense.

    The EU needs to recognise that an enemy of European civilisation has been given the keys to the castle. That is a dangerous situation. It is time to invoke Article 7 to recognise that Hungary is acting against the EU’s founding values, and remove Hungary’s veto.

        7 months ago

        Hey, my wife and her sister moved away about 12 years ago … it was absolutely the right thing for both of them.

        Anyone even halfway intelligent is better off moving away from Hungary. I feel sorry for those who can’t speak a foreign language and thus are stuck there.