Results from rural Kenya are not necessarily applicable to high-income countries. However, there are nearly no similar randomized controlled trial findings of a long-term guaranteed income or a significantly large lump sum in countries like the U.S. While much more expensive in high-income countries, long-term income and large lump sum pilots should be tried and studied to learn if there are better ways to deliver cash that help people build wealth and escape poverty.

    10 months ago

    Universal Basic Income is the only way to go for our future. Alaska gets payments every year, not a huge amount, but they get some. It has to be enough where people get their basic needs met so they don’t feel obligated to work for slave wages.

    From the article

    • A monthly universal basic income (UBI) empowered recipients and did not create idleness.
    • Both a large lump sum and a long-term UBI (12 years) proved highly effective
    • A short-term UBI was the least impactful of the designs but still effective.