• sadreality@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    People make real money on government contracking and it is a good place for corruption where state actors and private sector fleece tax payers. Boomers are getting extra greedy tho, back in the day at least they delivered something, half the to now project isn’t even delivered or delivered without poor condition or not fit for the use case.

    • Syldon@feddit.uk
      1 year ago

      Boomers ?? seriously you want to start a culture to defend this shitty government. Get over yourself you moron.

      • sadreality@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        Just exposing pervasive culture of corruption the boomer generatetion shares.

        Every time I see shady dealing, there are a few boomers making good money on it as they control most of the negotiation and leadership roles in government and private sector. They collude in their deals via this “culture”

        It has always happened but the cut this generation is taking is border line highway robbery. It is getting our of hand.

        I apologize my analysis triggered you but without calling spadr a spade we can’t really move forward since at this point political process is captured and we have a massive social issue on our hands that requires a cultural change.

        • Syldon@feddit.uk
          1 year ago

          The buses don’t go where you come from my friend. You are a prime reason why we need a better education system in the UK. Go back home the village is missing their idiot.

          • sadreality@kbin.social
            1 year ago

            You appear to be hurt by another person having a different opinion from you online…

            Got to learn to cope better ;)

            • Syldon@feddit.uk
              1 year ago

              I love a different opinion. Different opinions are what make you consider your own choices better.

              I dislike idiotic generalisations with no foundations either in facts or substance. Your problem is not with people who got more than you, your problem is with the people who made life shit for the lower paid in this country. What people got prior to 2010 is what we all should still be getting now. The only reason you are not getting a good deal is because of choice of government over the last 14 years.

              Rather than sounding off stupidly without any credible argument try voting for what you want from government, Join a union and be proactive by writing to your MP. Blaming someone else for your own issues will never solve them. This is something that you need to make an effort with.

              • sadreality@kbin.social
                1 year ago

                People in power and generation of bootlickers enabling them is the issue. I am sorry facts hurt ur feelings.

                I am not in UK but y’all got the same degerate governing and business “leadership” running an extraction racket.

                I am not sure why you are assuming I am having issues… my bigger concern is a culture of corruption that is wasting my taxes on cash transfers/tax rebates for the rich and so boomers got public health care while majority of the country living hand to mouth.

                While y’all got the NHS, sounds like your boomer government is gutting that as we speak tho. I am sure private sector will save it tho like they fixed your rail travel.

                4 decades of imbicile economic policy but nobody around to be blame?

                • Syldon@feddit.uk
                  1 year ago

                  Ok from your history you look like you are from the USA. Boomers did not screw your country, Capitalist greed did. That is corporations who are allowed to lobby your government by paying for study groups. The downfall in the US was in the 60’s/70’s, when the Democrats decided to take on some of them Corporate donations that the Republican had gained for years. I whole hearted agree that the US system is broken for anyone below the average wage. I really fear the UK will follow in that light. I see you mention that you would never vote for Rep or Dem. Again there I agree, they are both corrupted to the core. The way Biden destroyed the right to repair act in Minnesota was an absolute disgrace and just shows where his loyalties lies. I am a big fan of Bernie Sanders. I recommend his book highly.

                  Much of what has happened in the US is happening here. That is not boomers or any other generation. That is purely down to the greedy bastards who are robbing the country blind without any moral restrictions. The only plus I see out of our current situation is that the Tories did so without any restraint. The USA was the proverbial frog in the slow boil pot. You have never felt that shock of “shit what is going on!”. Where as the UK is seeing everything all in one go. I sincerely hope it wakes enough up to what is going on. The only way you will ever beat your scumbags is by voting them out at every opportunity. And don’t get tired of doing just that. As I said join a union. Groups of people have a lot more power than an individual.

                  Unfortunately the politicians in the US have the culture wars down to a tee. The worst is that people buy into them. The US has a greedy culture where everyone hates to see someone get more than what they get. Politicians play on that. Google crabs in a buckets analogy, because that is how you lot live your lives.

                  You will never get out of the swamp until you see that you must care for those less off than yourself. There will always be someone who screws the system to take advantage of that care when you do this. Accept that as part of life and move on. That does not mean you should not convict low life thieves with no morals. Just do not fall into the trap of stopping a much needed service in an attempt to stop theft. The Tories vilified benefit thieves so much here that people accepted massive drops in social care. The result is that we now have no safety net for those who really need it. Culture wars are there to divide the country so you are easier to manage. Calling boomers is falling for exactly that. Wake up and smell the coffee.