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An overview of studies which investigate correlations between morality and religious vs. secular / atheist ideologies presented by Phil Zuckerman who is a professor of sociology and secular studies at the Claremont colleges in California, USA.

Summary: Atheists / secular people not only have morals but are even more moral than religious people.

Note: Of course moral is a matter of perspective. In this context we agree that compassion and empathy are our foundations of moral.

    10 months ago

    “empathy and compassion play an important role”

    No. You were not asked about “important”, you were asked about “necessary”. Empathy and compassion may play a role, but they are not required in the majority of the ethical theories you cite.

    Remember saying that a group is more moral than another based on X property, requires that X property be necessary for morally good action (or necessary for greater moral action). These two properties claimed (compassion and empathy) are not necessary for greater moral action, you have admitted this yourself. Therefore the conclusion is false.

    “While I am defending my words… you don’t prove yours”

    You realise that all of my claims are linked together to a unified refutation? You have utterly failed to even address the criticisms I and others have lodged against you. You just say “well of course…” as if agreeing and then go back to asserting the very claim that these criticisms refute.