
Crying frog hiding his face


>first time in gym

>my very first exercise is bench

>next to me are some zoomers and wiggers

>they snicker and say to themselves “This due looks like he sits behind computer 24/7”

>About to cry

>make up some bullshit like im thirsty and go to toilets so I can pack and leave

>Some dude stops me and say if he can use bench

>It’s motherfucking Chad just like from the memes

>say yea

>Asks if I will spot him


>We start to talk he noticed im first timer in the gym

>He teaches me lifts we talk for hour and for this whole hour it feels like im safe and protected

>Mfw this chad says “see you tomorrow okay ? I have leg day and i will teach you deadlifts”

Is this how chads are ? Is this how it feels to die for king? It felt like dram but it was al real.

My king

My liege


  • RepulsiveDog4415@feddit.de
    8 months ago


    They’ve touched a nerve, have they?

    aproach a women respectfully

    I hear this over and over by the likes of you. What does that even mean? You walk up to random strangers and expect not to come of as a creep? Yeah right…

    statistics don’t lie

    Ah yes all the numbers ans studies you’ve provided lol

    Here is a intreresting fact: Nationwide, 81% of women and 43% of men reported experiencing some form of sexual harassment and/or assault in their lifetime. https://www.nsvrc.org/statistics

    I wonder why women might be more carefull…

    Touch some grass, smh

    • Soulg@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      Nah he’s completely correct but gets downvotes because people think he’s defending incels because those people are morons.

      Being a socially awkward loner is not what an incel is. It’s just become a catchall for people society deemed weird, instead of the actual incels who are actually bad people.

    • ThatWeirdGuy1001@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      you walk up to random strangers and expect not to come off as a creep

      Yes. That’s the norm. That’s been the norm. How the fuck else are you supposed to meet people?

      Y’all can wave sexual assault statistics all you want but thinking anyone that approaches you is just a creep only deters people who aren’t creeps.

      All this extra hostility just makes guys who are even slightly insecure (me) just completely nope out entirely.

      But I can sit here and try to explain how I’m not an incel and don’t really have anything in common with most actual incels but this is the Internet and you’ve already made up your mind about me so this whole conversation is pointless.

      • ArcaneSlime@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        8 months ago

        Nah I’m with you. I don’t use spyware apps (surprised? Shouldn’t be, I’m on lemmy lol, and was 2y before ths exodus.) so the only one I could use is alovoa which I hear nobody uses anyway, and even then I haven’t uploaded a pic of myself for privacy reasons since before 2014 so I’m not thrilled about that prospect, and the only acceptible place to talk to a strange woman is “the bar” but since I more or less quit drinking (my max is now like 3 in a night because I quit for a year and now have no tolerance and have to work at 7am anyway), and all the women I’ve met in the bar so far over these last 10yr seem to be “functioning for a month or so” alcoholics (the last one was abusive to boot), and now-a-days all I do is work, food store, home anyways so basically I’d have to see an attractive woman in the Aldi and what, strike up a convo about the basil pesto mac and cheese? “Hey this is weird but I saw you from across the frozen food section and I was wondering if you’re not seeing anyone maybe you’d like to grab some coffee?” Can’t do that, that’s creepy, gotta do the swipe in the appropriate direction on the god-rectangle.