1990 - The HTTP protocol and HTML are invented by Tim Berners-Lee, starting the World Wide Web.

1991 - Linus Torvalds releases the first Linux operating system kernel.

1992 - IBM launches the first smartphone, the Simon Personal Communicator.

1993 - Mosaic, the first graphical web browser, is launched.

1994 - Amazon is founded by Jeff Bezos.

1995 - Launch of Java by Sun Microsystems.

1996 - Nokia launches the Nokia 9000, the first cell phone with smartphone capabilities.

1997 - IBM Deep Blue defeats Garry Kasparov, the world chess champion.

1998 - Google is founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

1999 - Napster is launched, beginning the era of P2P file sharing.

2000 - The dot-com bubble bursts, affecting countless technology companies.

2001 - Apple launches the iPod, revolutionizing the music industry.

2002 - SpaceX is founded by Elon Musk.

2003 - The Human Genome Project is completed.

2004 - Mark Zuckerberg launches Facebook.

2005 - YouTube is created by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim.

2006 - Twitter is launched, changing the way news and information is disseminated.

2007 - Apple launches the iPhone, revolutionizing the smartphone industry.

2008 - The first successful transplant of a 3D printed organ occurs.

2009 - Bitcoin is invented by a person or group of people under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto.

2010 - Instagram is launched, influencing digital photography and social media.

2011 - IBM Watson beats humans at Jeopardy!, highlighting advances in AI.

2012 - The Tesla Model S is launched.

2013 - Edward Snowden reveals the extent of NSA surveillance.

2014 - The first successful landing of a reusable rocket is performed by SpaceX.

2015 - DeepMind’s AlphaGo defeats a human Go player for the first time.

2016 - Pokémon Go becomes a global phenomenon, driving augmented reality.

2017 - The rise of machine learning and AI leads to the term “Industry 4.0”.

2018 - The first autonomous air taxi flight is carried out.

2019 - The first image of a black hole is captured.

2020 - The COVID-19 pandemic accelerates the global adoption of remote work, online services and telemedicine.

2021 - China launches its own space station, Tiangong.

2022 - Artificial Intelligence is used to accelerate the development of personalized vaccines.

2023 - The first fully integrated smart cities begin to be built.

2024 - The first commercial quantum computer is launched.

2025 - Neural networks achieve near-human natural language processing.

2026 - Self-driving cars become commonplace on roads around the world.

2027 - A robot performs heart surgery without human assistance.

2028 - Autonomous cars represent 50% of vehicles in circulation.

2029 - The first human has a successful brain-machine interface implant.

2030 - The Internet of Things becomes a global infrastructure.

2031 - Artificial intelligence now makes up 5% of the global workforce.

2032 - Artificial Intelligence is used in the governance of smart cities, optimizing public services.

2033 - The first AI with legal rights is recognized, challenging traditional concepts of citizenship.

2034 - CRISPR gene editing technology is used to eradicate an inherited disease.

2035 - The first global energy grid powered by nuclear fusion is established.

2036 - The Internet reaches the mark of 10 zettabytes of data transmitted annually.

2037 - Nanorobots are used for the first time on humans for medical treatment.

2038 - P versus NP millennium problem resolved.

2039 - Neural implants allow direct interface with the Internet.

2040 - Renewable energy and storage become the main source of energy for global data centers.

2041 - Automation reaches levels that cause significant restructuring of global workforces.

2042 - The first AI is elected to public office.

2043 - An AI is elected to public office for the first time.

2044 - Blockchain is adopted as the global standard for financial transactions.

2045 - The “Singularity” is reached, where AI surpasses human intelligence by all measures.

2046 - The first human clone is created, opening ethical debates around the world.

2047 - A new type of internet based on quantum communications is implemented.

2048 - The first complete human brain emulation is performed on a computer.

2049 - Global transportation networks become fully autonomous.

2050 - The colonization of Mars begins with the first self-sustaining city.

2051 - The integration of AI in medical diagnosis reduces clinical errors by 90%.

2052 - Artificial intelligence now represents 25% of the global workforce.

2053 - Neural networks reach the complexity of the human brain.

2054 - 10G networks become the global standard, enabling never-before-seen internet speeds.

2055 - The first personal quantum computer is released.

2056 - Advances in carbon capture and storage reduce CO2 emissions to pre-industrial levels.

2057 - Speech recognition and natural language processing achieve 99.9% accuracy.

2058 - The world’s oceans are declared clean after a global de-pollution initiative.

2059 - The first AI artist wins a Pulitzer Prize.

2060 - An autonomous robot is the first to be granted citizenship.

2061 - Advances in AI make accurate prediction of extreme weather events possible.

2062 - Neural implants allow controlled telepathic communication.

2063 - Social networks based on virtual reality become more popular than traditional platforms.

2064 - Autonomous robots now perform most household tasks.

2065 - An AI is named CEO of a Fortune 500 company.

2066 - QubitLang, the first quantum programming language is released.

2067 - A supercomputer solves a “Millennium Prize” problem, an unsolved mathematical question.

2068 - A cure for all forms of cancer is discovered.

2069 - Exploration of the Kuiper Belt begins, aiming to extract resources.

2070 - The colonization of Mars begins with the first self-sustaining city.

2071 - Brain-to-brain interfaces allow direct communication between humans.

2072 - Artificial Intelligence replaces lawyers in routine legal procedures.

2073 - The first school entirely run by AI opens.

2074 - A network of global sensors monitors climate change in real time.

2075 - Advances in nanotechnology enable cellular repair, effectively reversing aging.

2076 - The first medical AI performs brain surgery.

2077 - The first geoengineering project to reflect sunlight and control global warming begins.

2078 - Global quantum networks replace existing internet infrastructures.

2079 - The first world government is formed, with the participation of both humans and AI.

2080 - The first university on Mars opens.

2081 - Researchers decipher the “code of life”, allowing the creation of completely new living beings.

2082 - Artificial Intelligence achieves the capacity for continuous self-improvement.

2083 - An AI composes a symphony that wins the Pulitzer Prize for Music.

2084 - Cryogenics is improved to the point of allowing the successful resuscitation of human beings.

2085 - Artificial Intelligence solves the last of the “Millennium Prize” problems.

2086 - The first human colony is established on a moon of Saturn.

2087 - The fusion of AI and biology allows the storage of digital information in living cells.

2088 - A “global brain” begins to coordinate all devices connected to the Internet of Things.

2089 - The first extinct animal is brought back to life through genetic engineering.

2090 - Artificial Intelligence now makes up 50% of the global workforce.

2091 - A quantum computer breaks all current encryption algorithms, forcing the creation of new security standards.

2092 - The first manned interstellar mission is launched, aiming to colonize an exoplanet.

2093 - The first AI wins a Nobel Prize.

2094 - The first artificial intelligence is granted citizenship in multiple countries.

2095 - Atomic-level 3D printing technology makes object replication a reality.

2096 - A fully immersive metaverse becomes the social and work environment for most people.

2097 - The first self-aware artificial life form is developed.

2098 - Dark matter is finally understood and begins to be explored as a new form of energy.

2099 - An interplanetary treaty is signed by all human colonies in the solar system.

2100 - Humanity reaches the Era of Post-Humanity, with advances in AI, biology and technology allowing the transcendence of physical and mental human limitations.

  • LordOfLocksley@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    I feel sorry for the 2050 Mars colony. They obviously do something so wrong, they are wiped from all historical records, and then those posers in 2070 claim to be the first Mars settlement

    • dave@hal9000@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      Thanks for catching that. Winners write history or something like that, I write as a drunk and lazy historian

    • Buddahriffic@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      Don’t feel sorry for them. They chose not to ignore the communications coming from elsewhere and then chose to build the gateway those communications suggested, though they didn’t have much choice about what followed. We got lucky that they just stopped for some reason instead of spreading through the solar system. It must have been a civil war or something because all that was left were the ripped and torn remains of the invaders and a destroyed gateway. The cleanup took about 15 years.

  • BedSharkPal@lemmy.ca
    10 months ago

    2044 - Blockchain is adopted as the global standard for financial transactions.

    This seems like one of the least believable to me.

    • pewter@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      On the other hand, I think the following is pessimistic

      2046 - The first human clone is created, opening ethical debates around the world.

      I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s already a human clone out there.

      EDIT: autocorrect

      • PersonalDevKit@aussie.zone
        10 months ago

        Haven’t cloned sheep been a thing for decades? I’m sure some dark corner goverment lab in America, China, or Russia surely tried it on a person. Teenage Putin gonna pop up as soon as Putin dies.

      • remotelove@lemmy.ca
        10 months ago

        LOL! What kind of stupid idea is that and who would be stupid enough to buy those things?

        Oh. Wait a second…

  • Artyom@lemm.ee
    10 months ago

    Interesting how it seems to be based off of public opinion rather than technical reality. We’re on the verge of predicting every extreme weather event and will have that pretty much solved in the next decade, but ChatGPT sees that ways out. Meanwhile, it sees us reversing climate change completely in less than 40 years, but the science seems to suggest we bought a one way ticket.

    • Echo Dot@feddit.uk
      10 months ago

      All you have to do is live until 2075. Then you’ll be a mortal immortal and you can wait until 2350

  • ShrimpsIsBugs@programming.dev
    10 months ago

    2044 - Blockchain is adopted as the global standard for financial transactions.

    So you’re telling me only 20 years until my Shiba Inu Moon Coin will finally make me rich?

  • Captain Janeway@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Why is every event tied to technology? No mention of the wars we’ve been fighting? Global warming and its consequences?

  • Monte@sh.itjust.works
    10 months ago

    I like how the colonization of mars with “the first” self-sustaining city happens twice, exactly 2 decades apart

  • Dizzy Devil Ducky@lemm.ee
    10 months ago

    Gotta love how it sometimes repeats the same point. Also, I call any predictions on us getting carbon back to pre-industrial age levels and full on ocean de-pollution happening absolute bull because greed.

    As soon as we get the human sides of things like greed out of humanity, the closer we will come closer to being able to solve our problems since people won’t be thinking about copyrighting the solutions so they can be the only people to sell the solution at a ridiculously marked up price.

  • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    2030 - The Internet of Things becomes a global infrastructure.

    Whatever happens after that is irrelevant because it means civilization is over anyway.

    • SkyeStarfall@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      10 months ago

      The truth is that it basically already is. It’s just what laypeople think when they hear internet of things is very different to what it’s actually used for in industry. Internet of Things is a term for small chips in several places, mostly as sensors, to do certain things that benefit from quantity over quality. A typical example is measuring soil quality, another could be logistics, a third could be local weather conditions. They could also incorporate distributed computing into their functions and goals. Other examples could be stuff like smart grids, managing buildings like offices, manufacturing, or medicine, likely lots of applications in medicine, and more.

      It’s very much not just smart toasters or smart homes. Consumer products are just a small part of IoT.

  • KazuyaDarklight@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Neat, though quite a few of these seem to be out of their logical order. Not that that can’t happen from time to time…

  • inspxtr@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    These are most, if not all, positive. I’d be curious if you can somehow make it list a mixture of positive and non-positive things before 2021 and then see where it goes from there.

  • Mikina@programming.dev
    10 months ago


    2038 - P versus NP millennium problem resolved.

    2044 - Blockchain is adopted as the global standard for financial transactions.

    Yeah, sure.

      • Mikina@programming.dev
        10 months ago

        Oh, I kind of assumed that “P versus NP problem resolved” meant that they somehow proved and solved that that P = NP, or that some NP problems can be solved using P algorithms. Which would be kind of a really big deal, especially from the point of cybersecurity.

        But you are right, it may just mean that we proved that P != NP for sure, which wouldn’t really change anything.

        • Buddahriffic@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          Yeah, while I hope that P = NP (the traveling salesman problem really nags at me but any potential solution I’ve thought of so far is quickly dismissed by a counter-example), I already believe that P != NP but that it might not be provable because it would require proving a negative.

          • Mikina@programming.dev
            10 months ago

            I don’t think we ever want to find out that P=NP. If I’m not mistaken, any kind of cryptography we have right now is dependent on P != NP.

            I’m not sure if it’s even possible to solve cryptography once you have P=NP. Can’t you simply bruteforce anything instantly, once you have non-deterministic turing machine running in polynomial time? Since it just basically guesses the correct output. And that would be a huge worldwide problem. Given how massively expensive in damages is any kind of new zero-day vulnerabilities, such as the recent Confluence one or the Log4J vulnerability, imagine if someone came up with an algorithm to prove P=NP, effectively breaking every kind of security measure and crypto the whole internet builds on. Blockchain would be absolutely wrecked, since you would be able to just almost instantly mine whatever you want, you would be able to fake anyones private certificates used for authentication, and in general the following few days would be a global catastrophe, and a banquet for cybercriminals.

            I vaguely remember the term “quantum resistant cryptography”, but I’m not sure if quantum computers equal non-deterministic turing machine, and as I tried quickly googling it, it’s way more complex to understand that I have time or capacity for right now, so I’ll just leave it as an open question.