I don’t actually use TikTok or even the “sliding” function on youtube shorts, but I feel like my attention span has gotten much worse after they started getting popular. Even watching a 2 minute video feels dreadfully long, let alone a 10 or 20 minute video, so I end up watching a mostly short animation memes instead.

  • d0m@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    For sure. It’s the reason why I refuse to use apps that autoplay videos, including default reddit app, Twitter. I have YouTube Revanced which strips out the Shorts button and the section from the app itself. On desktop, I use an extension to remove shorts as well. However I’m way more addicted to consuming information. Text is where its at, (Tildes, HN, comments all over) maybe slightly less harmful compared to video but it’s not good for sure.

  • Duchess@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    i have to be measured when i use tiktok, undisciplined use leads to me lying in bed on my phone for hours. i noticed myself swiping up on videos i was interested in watching just because the content wasn’t fast paced enough for me. usually using a fidget toy while watching a regular tv show helps a lot, but it can be difficult to ‘retrain’ my attention span