I came across this article from 2018 and it really spoke to me as a late-diagnosed autistic only just learning what “comfortable” feels like.

  • r3df0x ✡️✝☪️@7.62x54r.ru
    11 months ago

    I think the main reason people say it is because growth happens during times of discomfort. If you’re only ever comfortable, you’ll become weak and die early because your body will fail faster.

    My sister was diagnosed with ASD prior to transitioning, and she went the complete opposite way from the “keep yourself comfortable” mindset.

    It can absolutely be fun to be comfortable for a while, but eventually the other shoe will drop and it’s going to lead to misery and deteriorate your mental state.

    I have a roommate with ASD that I’ve really been trying to drive this home to, and completely honestly, I feel incredibly guilty like I’m enabling him by allowing him to live with me for cheap without imposing any expectation that he improve himself.