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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023


  • I was thinking it kinda did, but kinda didn’t, and I couldn’t put my finger on why. Someone in another post nailed it for me. Whoever made this used all of George’s stand up specials to train the AI on his voice and cadence, so George of course sounded young in his early work and old in the later ones. The AI mixed that together, so you get a voice that’s not quite his younger voice and not quite his older voice either. That made perfect sense to me why it sounds like George, but still a little off.

  • Y’know, I was a pretty big Carlin fan, I had a few of his albums and even saw him live in concert once. I listened to the whole thing while driving, and I thought this was okay. It’s obviously not George Carlin, but it sounded a lot like him, and I can imagine he would approve of many of the jokes. It wasn’t a laugh-a-minute, but I did get lost in it a couple of times and forget that it wasn’t really him, and I did laugh out loud a few times as well. (The joke about the best comedian for AI being Bill Cosby got me!)

    Carlin’s comedy was very topical, which doesn’t always translate to today, so having new, up-to-date Carlin bits are actually cool. I can understand his daughter’s apprehension, but at least people are talking about her dad again, so I would think that’s a good thing.

  • I’ve never heard of it, and my wife & I are on Netflix multiple times a week.

    As a side note, other streaming services that took their stuff off of Netflix to make their own service because “hurr durr we want that money!”, have discovered that it’s hard to run and not always profitable. There are a LOT of things that have been gone off of Netflix for awhile that have suddenly started to show back up because content owners have discovered that it’s much easier to let Netflix deal with the infrastructure and just get paid. I remember when Netflix had almost everything you could want to watch in one place, and it was glorious! If you’ve cancelled over the lack of content, maybe give it another look. If you cancelled over the cost, maybe it’s more worth it now?

    I’m not a Netflix shill, I just remember the days when it was awesome because of the massive selection, and I’m hopefully seeing it slowly coming back around.